Why does the neutral wire need to be grounded repeatedly and what is its function?

In the power system, the neutral wire is a very important component. In order to ensure the safe operation of the power system

and protect the safety of personnel and equipment, the neutral wire needs to be grounded repeatedly. This article will explore

why the neutral wire needs to be grounded repeatedly and explain its role and importance.
1. Definition and function of neutral line
The neutral wire is a conductor in a three-phase AC system that is usually connected to ground. The main functions of the

neutral line are as follows:
Provides a return path: The neutral wire provides a return path in the circuit, allowing current to flow smoothly. It connects the

neutral point of the three-phase power supply and the point of the load end so that the current can pass through each phase line

in a balanced manner.
Safety of live parts: By connecting the neutral wire to the ground, the potential in the circuit can be stabilized at a relatively low value,

thereby reducing the risk of electric shock in live parts. When equipment or lines fail, the grounding of the neutral line can lead the

fault current to the ground, reducing damage to personnel and equipment.
2. Reasons for repeated grounding of the neutral line
The neutral wire needs to be grounded repeatedly for the following reasons:
Safety Requirements: Repeatedly grounded neutrals can improve the safety of the power system. When the neutral is grounded,

any fault current will flow to ground through the ground resistance, reducing the likelihood of current flowing through the body.

By repeatedly grounding, the risk of electric current passing through the human body can be further reduced and personnel

safety ensured.
Guidance of fault current: In power systems, when equipment or lines fail, fault current will be generated. If the neutral line has

only one grounding point, the fault current will be concentrated at that grounding point, which may lead to excessive grounding

resistance, causing voltage to rise, causing potential danger to equipment and personnel. By repeatedly grounding, fault current

can be directed at multiple locations, reducing ground resistance, reducing voltage rise, and improving system reliability.
Improve the stability of the ground potential: When the neutral line has only one ground point, the current will produce uneven

potential distribution in the soil around the ground point. This can lead to instability in the ground potential, posing a risk of

electrical corrosion and other damage to surrounding equipment and pipes. By repeatedly grounding, fault currents can be directed

at different locations, reducing potential unevenness, improving the stability of the ground potential, and reducing the risk of

electrical corrosion and other potential damage.
Improve the accuracy of fault detection and location: By repeating the grounded neutral line, the path through which the fault

current flows can be increased, making the transmission path of the fault current more complex. In this way, when a fault occurs,

the fault point can be more accurately detected and located, improving maintenance efficiency and reducing power outage time.
3. Method and implementation of repeated grounding of neutral line
The following methods and implementation measures can be used to repeatedly ground the neutral line:
Multi-point grounding: In the power system, multiple neutral grounding points can be set up at different locations to form a

multi-point grounding system. Doing so can increase the path for current flow, improve the uniform distribution of current,

reduce ground resistance, and improve the stability of ground potential.
Grounding resistance control: In order to ensure the effect of grounding the neutral line, the grounding resistance needs to be

controlled. By properly selecting the size of the ground resistance, appropriate current distribution and ground potential stability

can be achieved. Commonly used methods include increasing the number and area of ​​grounding electrodes, using appropriate

grounding materials, etc.
Regular inspection and maintenance: Repeatedly grounded neutral wires require regular inspection and maintenance to ensure

the normal operation of the grounding system. The detection content includes the measurement of ground resistance, status

inspection of ground electrodes, etc. If it is found that the grounding resistance is too large or there is a problem with the grounding

electrode, timely measures should be taken to repair or replace it.
Repeated grounding of the neutral conductor plays an important role in power systems. It can improve the safety of power systems,

reduce the risk of electric shock, and reduce the risk of electrical corrosion and other potential damage. Through multi-point

grounding and reasonable control of ground resistance, uniform current distribution and stability of ground potential can be

achieved. Regular testing and maintenance are also key to ensuring the normal operation of the grounding system. Repeated

grounding of the neutral line is a necessary measure for the safe and reliable operation of the power system and deserves our

attention and implementation.

Post time: Sep-16-2024