SPIC’s first photovoltaic power station goes into operation in Brazil

The Marangato Photovoltaic Power Station in Brazil, invested and led by China State Power Investment Corporation (State Power

Investment Corporation) Brazil, held a commissioning ceremony on the 7th. The installed capacity of this photovoltaic project reached

446 kilowatts and can provide power to nearly 550,000 households every year.


The Malangatu photovoltaic power station covers an area of ​​more than 1,061 hectares and has 680,000 solar modules, 6,633 trackers

and 1,716 inverters.  Construction started in December 2022. Since the start of construction, it has overcome difficulties such as the

large number of multinational participating units, the difficulty of communication across languages ​​and time differences, the many

countries supplying equipment, the long transportation distances, and the complex approval procedures. It was put into commercial

operation in April this year. Quality achieved production targets.


Lin Guixiang, chairman of SPIC Brazil, said at the commissioning ceremony that the Malangatu project is a concrete practice of SPIC’s

response to the global call for clean and low-carbon transformation. After the project is connected to the grid at full capacity, it is

expected to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 900,000 tons per year. This will not only bring huge environmental and

economic benefits to the local community, but also make an important contribution to the development of global clean energy.


Rafael Fontiles, governor of the Brazilian state of Piauí, thanked SPIC Brazil for building a photovoltaic power station in the state. He

believed that while the power plant brought economic benefits to the state, it “left behind precious environmental and social heritage”.


Lan Heping, Consul General of China in Recife, who attended the commissioning ceremony, said that China attaches great importance

to the development advantages of northeastern Brazil and strives to work with the region to promote clean and low-carbon energy

transformation, improve people’s livelihood, and achieve common development. The successful commissioning of the Malangatu

Photovoltaic Power Station has brought huge economic and social development opportunities to Piaui State. It is an important

manifestation of the quality and upgrading of cooperation between the two countries, and it is also a vivid practice of both parties’

joint implementation of global development initiatives.

Post time: Jul-06-2024